Refining Resident Feedback Workshop

Back in September we ran a workshop on how to get the best out of resident feedback surveys. The day was started with an inspiring case study from Apt Quest – a team of Rooftop residents specially trained to perform Rooftop’s surveys by phone. Rooftop found that by using their own trained residents to do these surveys they experienced a number of benefits including: increased customer satisfaction, financial savings, clearer identification and resolution of tenant issues and promotion of their social value credentials.

NHF Annual Conference Roundup

In September we attended and exhibited at the NHF Annual conference. It was an exciting few days for us, we enjoyed meeting up with many of our existing customers and talking to others who are currently working in the sector and were interested in our products and services. It was at the exhibition we met Panda Media who have been working in the sector innovatively using film making to engage with traditionally hard to engage tenants. It was through this meeting that we realised many of our customers would be interested to find out more about their approach and invited them to speak our Communities Workshop. This proved very popular with many of our attendees citing this as one of their favourite sessions.

Tracker Workshops

A key bonus to being a Tracker user is automatic inclusion in the Tracker Network which provides access to a wide variety of support initiatives and networking opportunities. Events and training sessions are held throughout the year and ‘Social Return on Investment (SROI)’ is the latest Tracker workshop theme to have been developed.  Scheduled to take place on Friday 01 March at Watford Community Housing Trust, SROI is now the standard methodology for evaluating activities and programmes with a social impact.

Tracker SROI Workshop

‘Social Return on Investment’ (SROI) is now the standard methodology for evaluating activities and programmes with a social impact: