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TPTracker and GDPR Compliance

TPTracker has many features which can help users comply with GDPR requirements by ensuring data is stored safely and used appropriately.
The TPTracker licensee is legally the ‘Data Controller’ and therefore the owner of the data held in TPTracker. They are responsible for GDPR compliance with respect to what data is held and how it is used.

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2017 TPTracker Free Updates Announced

The latest FREE updates to TPTracker software will be released in May and June 2017. These will include improvements to the Login process and the Profiles Module making it quicker to login, easier to navigate and giving you even more options for profiling your database.
Version 2017.1 releasing late May 2017
V.2017.1 Upgrade User guide
There will be no need to select ‘Group’, just enter your email and password and TPTracker will recognise you and direct you to the correct site.

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Stop trying to delight your customers

An article by the Harvard Business School challenges the idea that 'Overall Satisfaction' is the most appropriate target to use when measuring service delivery standards. Should you be trying to delight your customers?

Online surveys show lower satisfaction

Survey responses obtained online are showing generally lower levels of satisfaction than those obtained by other methods. The latest 'TPTracker Report' investigates whether this is simply, as one might assume, due to more younger people responding online.

New survey dashboard in TPTracker

A new widget has been added to the TPTracker Survey Dashboard which gives users the flexibility to choose the questions/questionnaires they wish to display:

Improved security for TPTracker Emails

The TPTracker integral emailing system allows users to send messages direct from TPTracker, selecting recipients from the main database or from a list of participants for a specific activity such as 'Members of the Scrutiny Panel'.